
The latest news, blogs and opinions from across the international development and humanitarian sectors.

The wider impact that safe water can achieve – Just a Drop

Just a Drop was founded in 1998, setting out with the mission to support communities around the world with access to sustainable safe water solutions – from the construction (or rehabilitation) of hand-dug and drilled wells, pipelines, sand dams, rainwater harvesting systems and latrines to implementing hygiene and sanitation programmes. Now, 25 years later, we have…

Social Justice in Uganda – Hope for Life Katanga

At the heart of social justice is the desire to live in a world where people are not harmed, are treated with equality and respect, and are free to make informed choices for the good of themselves, their families, and their communities.  Hope for Life Katanga is a community-based organisation in Kampala, and a UK…

School in a Bag – Transforming Lives Through Education

School in a Bag was born out of the Piers Simon Appeal, a charity set up in memory of Piers Simon who sadly lost his life in the Indian Ocean Tsunami on Boxing Day in 2004. In 2009, following a project helping orphaned children in Swaziland, School in a Bag (SIAB) was born to provide educational resources to…

Creating Change through Sport and Education – Bhubesi Pride Foundation

Over the course of 2022, Bhubesi Pride Foundation (or ‘BPF’) embarked on a fascinating process of early transition as, following ten years of evolution, the sports and education charity aligned its vision and goals with a strategic plan to strengthen its foundations and operations in Malawi. Back in 2017, BPF had been running volunteer-led sports…

We want to enable a world where we’re not needed

Firstly, thanks to SWIDN for marking the 3rd December International Day of People with Disabilities by giving us the chance to write about Motivation’s disability inclusion work.  We are a charity and social enterprise with a thirty-year history of wheelchair design and provision in less-resourced settings.  A staggering 75 million people in less-resourced settings are…

Legs4Africa – working to get people back on their feet

Legs4Africa is a Bristol based charity and since its inception in 2014 we have grown in every way but our core focus has remained the same – to help as many people with limb difference in sub-Saharan Africa to have access to an affordable prosthetic leg. From an initial one leg sourced for a friend…

Chance for Childhood’s OverExposed Campaign – Take the pledge!

This September, Chance for Childhood launched our OverExposed campaign, a call to action to raise standards and reframe thinking on the way the sector uses children’s images and stories. We were delighted when SWIDN pledged to join us on this journey and loved every minute of our session at this year’s online conference. It was full of…

Water: An inconvenience for us – a crisis for millions

In mid-August 2022, all of South West England was declared drought-affected by the Environment Agency. That probably means where you live if you’re a SWIDN member.  Have you noticed? What have you done differently? Maybe you’ve stopped using the hose to water the garden? But let’s be honest, how many of us really water the…

New University of Bristol research opportunities for SWIDN members could shed new light on sustainability challenges

The MSc Society, Politics and Climate Change, which will investigate the impact of a changing climate on our society, is set to shape the next generation of environmental champions. As part of their course, students can take on a research project with a professional partner. The projects will be rooted in cutting-edge research and academic…